Wednesday, 25 September 2013

SquareMeal event - London

For the second time I have attended the SquareMeal event for events coordinator.
I must say, both times – last year and this year- I have been blown away by the whole thing.
If you are an events organiser, no matter what kind of events you organise, you will need to be in contact with SquareMeal and attend this yearly event.

At the SquareMeal event which is held in the Old Billingsgate building, you will get to meet and chat to people from all types of venues from hotel to restaurants. You will get to sample at times food or baked goods from the venue’s own chef. You will get invitations to tour some venues. Other venues will even put on a 3 meals courses during your visit to give you a full view of what they can do for you.
View of the outside lunch area - 2011 picture
Visiting those venues do at time help you to determine your style and what kind of things you would like to show your guests during the event that you are hosting.

Last year after my visit to the SquareMeal event I made so many contacts and had so many invitations to come sample food and champagnes at so many venues that I could have filled my social calendar for a whole 6 months after visiting those stands.
The other great thing about this event is that it is a free event. Both times I visited I have had to book it as a day holiday from work. This is just because it is the only way can guaranty that I would attend without the pressure of thinking that I have to report back to the office. I use this to open my horizons and find how I can be better at what I do.

Sometimes we have to invest our own time into what we are getting paid for and for me this is the way I do it. Besides. I think my job gives me already the privilege to tour the UK and try hotels and food in places I would not think of visiting of my own. It also gives me the freedom to choose the venue and therefore the privilege to enter in some private clubs. Which I would not otherwise enter without a good excuse.
Food from Hatfileds venues
Other things you get to do at the SquareMeal event is, being educated about wines, fizzy drinks and cocktails during present seminar. This year I also had the privilege to be a judge for a food completion on the first day of the event. We also had the privilege to hear the creator of the Green & Blacks chocolates… One of my friends got a boat ride to the venue and I missed out on the free taxi ride.

As I went home at the end of my day at the SquareMeal event, I was reinvigorated and excited about the new venues I might be using and visiting in the next 12 months… and my bag was full of chocolates collected from various stands. My colleagues at work thought I was too I give it to them the next day… free stuff are much easier to give… ah!
One down side is that there is too much sweet stuff on display… stands should consider bringing some savoury give away.

If you are into events, I really really recommend that you head to the Squaremeal website and register your details to receive not only the free high gloss magazine, but also be au fait with what is hot in your industry.
Hopefully, I will see you at the event next year. In the meantime, thank you so much SquareMeal for such a fabulous day! You get 9/10 from me.


Nota Bene: none of the image here were taken by me as I didn't think I was going to write about my day. here is the only photo I took that is worth sharing:

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